Are you an influencer who wants to make change?
LEARN how to work with eco brands & HEAR from an industry expert about how to increase your following
DISCOVER trend-setting products and MEET with other influencers & brand owners about ambassador partnerships
RECEIVE a free gift box worth 6.500 SEK to share on your socials!

“Influencing Green Beauty at Natural Beauty & Health Show was such a great way to connect with inspirational brands and individuals in the sustainable beauty industry. The networking was great and the topics covered were well thought through. I will definitely be returning next year!”
Ann Marie @SwedishGirlinLondon
“Loved the part when the goodie-bags were presented. It made it more personal and you look forward to trying them out. Nice touch with the box that can be reused as storage btw. I had so many good talks with brands. Some familiar faces and some new. And I do think there will be some collabs in the future.”
Terese @mygreenbeautycorner
Applications are closed.
However, if you are an influencer and would like to apply, please email Ann-Kristin Mogren here to register your interest.